Cover Endless Space 2
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Endless Space 2 (2017) download torrent RePack by R.G. Mechanics

Release date: 2017
Genre: Strategy
Developer: AMPLITUDE Studios
Publishing: AMPLITUDE Studios
Type of publication: License
Interface language: English, Russian
Speech Language:
Crack: Present

OS: Windows 7, 8, 10
CPU: i3 4th generation / i5 2nd generation
RAM: 4 Gb
Video card: Intel HD 4000 / AMD Radeon 5800 series / NVidia 550Ti
Hard disk space: 8 GB

Endless Space 2 is a new, improved addition to the world of games developed in the strategy genre. The first part of this game was released back in 2013, and now it can please us with a more improved addition. This time, you are offered the role of a commander who will lead his military squad into a huge and vast space.
You have to explore outer space, find mysterious star systems and discover all the secrets that ancient civilizations hide. Develop technologies and advance them in the field of science, which will allow you to gain incredible strength and power over your rivals. It will be very difficult, because there are a lot of other life forms. Someone will treat you kindly, and someone will have to come into conflict with you, which will lead to military action. Act quickly and think through every step, drawing up a strategy plan.
Features repack:


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