I Am Future

I Am Future
277/276 Плюс
I Am Future Cozy Apocalypse Survival is a game made in the style of survival, where, in the role of a brave hero, we go to the vastness of a world experiencing the consequences of the apocalypse.
The player becomes part of a rather dark, dystopian future, where the Earth is almost completely submerged under a layer of water, but at the same time most of humanity still managed to survive by going to another planet. Our main character is definitely not one of those lucky ones and was forced to stay on Earth, coping with the new conditions of existence. For a long time you were locked in a cryochamber in one of the thousands of skyscrapers. Having woken up and come to your senses, you understand that the planet is no longer suitable for life, but you simply have no other choice. Go explore your surroundings to get useful resources, gradually revealing the secrets of your past and creating the necessary conditions for a relatively comfortable and safe life.

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