Call of Duty: WWII - Digital Deluxe Edition (2017) PC | RePack от R.G. Механики

Call of Duty: WWII - Digital Deluxe Edition (2017) PC | RePack от R.G. Механики
393/287 Плюс
Call of Duty: WWII will reliably show the Second World War, will present the gameplay of a new generation ...

Особенности репака:
Call of Duty: WWII will authentically show the Second World War, present the gameplay of the new generation and offer three modes: "Campaign", "Network Game" and "Joint Game". The events of the plot campaign will unfold in the European theater of operations, where you will find a completely new story, as well as new characters, with whom you will pass the most famous battles of the Second World War. The mode of the network game is a return to the classic "mundane" fighting clashes in the spirit of the early issues of Call of Duty. Using authentic weapons and traditional tactics of constant maneuvering, you will exterminate opponents in a variety of scenery, united by a common theme of the Second World War. The mode of the joint game will offer a separate finished story, full of unexpected and highly dramatic moments.

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Мнения (44)
  1. biggydicky
    biggydicky Добавлен: 22 март 2024 22:34
    niggas this game aint working
  2. Adharsh GS
    Adharsh GS Добавлен: 05 октябрь 2023 14:02
    The game is not lauching it is showing up on the task manager but the game never launches
  3. Kautham kris
    Kautham kris Добавлен: 02 август 2023 23:24
    How can I change the language to English, it is Coming in Russian
  4. ovidiu
    ovidiu Добавлен: 10 июль 2023 13:41
    black screen fu...
  5. nir82
    nir82 Добавлен: 07 июль 2023 23:11
    the game have missing dll fille
  6. BlueLunar
    BlueLunar Добавлен: 22 декабрь 2022 14:27
    In summers, after 1 hour of extreme gaming you can use your laptop to iron your shirt. BlueLunar
  7. andrija
    andrija Добавлен: 08 ноябрь 2022 10:10
    is there hitler in the game
  8. tejas
    tejas Добавлен: 25 октябрь 2022 22:01
    where can i get the english files version 5 for the game cant find it with the downloaded files
  9. Risshi Raj Sen
    Risshi Raj Sen Добавлен: 18 сентябрь 2022 21:54
    this just installed call of duty 1 on my pc :c
  10. Nikson
    Nikson Добавлен: 19 апрель 2022 13:16
    i downloaded game and when i clicked setup there is no ww 2
  11. Femke
    Femke Добавлен: 30 январь 2022 02:07
    how can you change lanquage?
  12. psyartax
    psyartax Добавлен: 23 октябрь 2021 17:15
    the torrent is whrong,torrent is call of duty 1
    2gb game
    SHAILESH KUMAR Добавлен: 29 август 2021 12:25
    game is in russian language..and i cant change language in english
  14. Milos
    Milos Добавлен: 26 август 2021 01:02
    Why is only on Russian? Is it possible to transfer it to English? pls help
  15. Tanmay Shrihari Dixit
    Tanmay Shrihari Dixit Добавлен: 10 август 2021 15:27
    I am getting following error please help me.

    "??????? ????! ??? ?????? ??????? ??"
  16. Mushfiqur Rahman
    Mushfiqur Rahman Добавлен: 06 август 2021 05:13
    And there is no possible solution by the rgmechanics here
  17. Mushfiqur Rahman
    Mushfiqur Rahman Добавлен: 06 август 2021 05:12
    The torrent link only has russian language file. Even though the torrent link description says that
    Interface language: RUS|ENG
    Speech Language: RUS|ENG

    I tried to download english language files and delete russian files. Throws a fatal error
    "482 eng_code_pre_gfx 157 159"

    The game only runs with the russian language file in it.

    I have given up on rg mechanics now. Every file here has the same issue. It says that it has both english and russian language but in the end it is only russian file.
  18. majd
    majd Добавлен: 07 июль 2021 19:16
    not working !!!!
    my computer 8gb ram
    GeForce Nvidia 820m
    1 tera space
    and not working
    ( this app not working on your computer )
  19. Monish K Mohandas
    Monish K Mohandas Добавлен: 30 май 2021 10:47
    How can we change the russian language to english?
  20. vaibhav
    vaibhav Добавлен: 31 март 2021 12:50
    is it necessary to download mp+zombie mode?
  21. Polar
    Polar Добавлен: 08 март 2021 23:52
    I cant install the game, after more than half of the instal procces it says installation incomplete , and then instal error .
    What could it be ?
  22. Anandkumar R
    Anandkumar R Добавлен: 14 февраль 2021 11:28
    I installed this version and it has only Russian audio. as suggested tried replacing English audio files but its not working and got the below error "eng_code_pre_gfx 157 159"

    please help with the error or share the link for english audio
  23. andrian
    andrian Добавлен: 12 январь 2021 23:50
    pls fix it to make it english version lol
  24. Juan
    Juan Добавлен: 22 декабрь 2020 22:35
  25. Ron Tomy
    Ron Tomy Добавлен: 13 декабрь 2020 11:11
    not working, please dont download
  26. dhruv
    dhruv Добавлен: 07 декабрь 2020 13:48
    wink wink i like rg mechanics
  27. HOTDOG
    HOTDOG Добавлен: 28 ноябрь 2020 09:38
    Really nice its in torrent but it did not even work
  28. Soumya
    Soumya Добавлен: 31 октябрь 2020 13:55
    This game is totally in Russian language, please help me, how can i convert it in english language.
  29. Raghav agarwal
    Raghav agarwal Добавлен: 28 октябрь 2020 09:09
    too good
  30. Stephen Neal
    Stephen Neal Добавлен: 19 октябрь 2020 17:14
    first off , A big thank you for all your work that go's into these games just brilliant..
    call of duty wwII just cant get it to load at all tried few diffrent versions just hangs "exmple double click .EXE and wheel goes round and stays on desktop no loading no pick nothing my pc is i7 , 6gb graphics 16gb ram asus fx504
    only one i can get to work is 106gb but in russian .. downloaded the english files but comes up with error i can play the game fine just in russian the others just hangs .. am i doing somthing wrong ? thanks
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