
13/9 Плюс
Pacify is a horror-style game where you will wage a brutal fight for your own life. All fans of this genre can be pleased with the terrifying atmosphere that builds up throughout the entire process, which will take you headlong into its darkness. It is also possible to complete the game in different modes: single player, where you will cope with all the missions on your own, or go into the treacherous world with your friends, which will allow you to do multiplayer.
You will take on the role of a research station employee who will go on a very important mission. The task is to explore a long-abandoned but very strange mansion. According to the plot, you learn that this very house was in the past a funeral service bureau, but with a peculiarity. The main task of the bureau was that all arriving visitors could communicate with deceased people. You can play the game alone or with your friends in the company of up to four people. The team's task is to search for evidence that will help unravel the most terrible secrets of this ominous place.

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Мнения (3)
  1. Tinygi4nt
    Tinygi4nt Добавлен: 07 май 2024 16:15
    Can we play in multiplayer?
  2. Polit227
    Polit227 Добавлен: 16 октябрь 2023 14:55
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  3. isbhaluop
    isbhaluop Добавлен: 29 сентябрь 2023 16:49
    idk hello hi
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