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WINGSPAN (Wings) - a game project developed in the genre of strategy, where the basis of the process is taken in the card system. The main advantage of the adventure is the presence of both single and co-op mode for up to five people, which will allow the player to have a great time with friends. You will take on an unusual role - the role of an ornithologist who will do everything possible to study the nature of the whole world. You will get various useful information, explore numerous locations, reveal secrets, observe the life of the representatives of the bird world and discover as many new natural reserves as possible. In a particular habitat, certain species of birds can comfortably exist, which must be taken into account when developing professional activities. Always try to improve your skills, as the task tends to gradually become more difficult. Invite your friends and go to meet exciting events, taking part in various kinds of competitions and getting the task of the best of the best. The graphics are well-designed, realistic and filled with bright colors, which will allow you to plunge headlong into the general atmosphere.

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Мнения (3)
  1. Jewell Chang
    Jewell Chang Добавлен: 23 май 2024 07:29
    There is terrible character synchronization, the gameplay is dull and monotonous, and the plot is nonexistent.geometry dash breeze
  2. Kamilesha
    Kamilesha Добавлен: 05 февраль 2024 17:20
    Descopera arta captivanta a fotografiei pe panza si transforma-ti spatiul intr-o poveste vizuala fascinanta! Fotografie pe panza aduc o dimensiune noua in decorarea interioara, aducand imagini la viata cu detalii vibrante si culori bogate. Experimenteaza atmosfera calda si autentica a unei fotografii pe panza amplasate strategic in living sau birou.

    imagineaza-ti amintirile preferate intr-o expozitie artistica chiar in casa ta, avand o colectie de fotografii pe panza care te definesc. Fie ca preferi peisaje spectaculoase, portrete pline de expresie sau detalii macro captivante, optiunile sunt infinite. transforma zidurile goale in povesti vizuale cu imagini ce reflecta pasiunile tale.

    in plus fata de fotografie pe panza, exploreaza alte modalitati creative de a aduce arta in viata ta de zi cu zi - de la printuri artistice la colaje inedite. Descopera modalitatile diverse in care poti personaliza spatiul tau cu bucurie si originalitate. transforma-ti casa intr-un sanctuar vizual care vorbeste despre gustul si individualitatea ta!
  3. dexter
    dexter Добавлен: 12 апрель 2023 11:25
    online play doesn't work
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