Cover Mark of the Ninja: Remastered [GOG] (2012-2018) download torrent License
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Mark of the Ninja: Remastered (October 16, 2012 / October 09, 2018 (Remaster)) download torrent RePack by R.G. Mechanics

Release date: October 16, 2012 / October 09, 2018 (Remaster)
Genre: Action, Arcade, Stealth
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Publishing: Klei Entertainment
Type of publication: Digital license
Interface language: RUS|ENG
Speech Language: ENG
Crack: Not required

OS: Windows 7 and higher x64
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2,4 GHz, AMD Athlon X2 4400+
Video card: Nvidia GeForce GT720 / AMD Radeon R7770
Hard disk space: 8 GB

In the game You will learn what it means to be a real ninja. To outwit your opponents, you need to be silent, agile and savvy. Cursed tattoos enhance the ninja's senses, and each situation offers new opportunities. The game world has amazing landscapes and beautiful animation

Ability to play in your own way: the game rewards any player's choice, whether it is to finish the game without killing anyone, or finish off everyone who gets in the way.
Additional materials from the special edition: Dosan's Tale. A new character, level, items, and developer comments are added to the game.
Beautiful graphics: unique two-dimensional style, award-winning animation and hand-drawn locations, now lovingly reworked in 4K.
Full 5.1 audio support and redesigned audio.
New "Game plus": the mode opens at the end of the game and contains new challenges and rewards.

Version of game: 1.0 rc1 (42657)
Run the installer, install the game.


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