Clone Drone in the Danger Zone

Clone Drone in the Danger Zone
3/1 Плюс
Clone Drone in the Danger Zone is a cool and dynamic arcade game where your mind will be transferred to an iron robot that will destroy everything around. Your body was destroyed as a result of certain events, so you had to convict yourself of iron.
You find yourself in a deadly arena with a mass of powerful enemies who will constantly try to destroy you. If you still manage to survive, you will improve, thereby unlocking a more powerful weapon. In case of defeat, create your own clone, which will fight to the last on the battlefield. You need to act correctly, not giving a chance to win to any opponent, because each of your actions will be described by a commentator. Your weapon will be a ruthless sword that will help you kill even the strongest opponent.

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Мнения (1)
  1. cleanet
    cleanet Добавлен: 09 август 2023 15:42
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