Super Meat Boy (2010) РС | RePack от R.G. Механики

Super Meat Boy (2010) РС | RePack от R.G. Механики
31/24 Плюс
Super Meat Boy is a cool, egg-like platformer where you have to play for a live meat cube, which tries to save your girlfriend (made from bandages) from an evil embryo in a test tube dressed in a tuxedo. Our meat hero will bounce off the walls to fly over a pile of buzzing saws, through collapsing caves and pools with nails. He will sacrifice everything to save his lady's heart. Super Meat Boy is a platformer with the classic complexity of such games on NES as: Mega Man 2, Ghost and Goblins and Super Mario Bros. 2 (Japanese version), which is reduced to the usual control on some reflexes, without any unnecessary garbage. The increasing complexity (from hard to unbelievable) in SMB will carry our Meat boy through ghostly hospitals, salt plants and even through hell itself. And if more than 300 levels are not enough, then at your service: epic battles with bosses, level editor and tons of secrets, special zones and hidden characters.

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  1. weewwwew
    weewwwew Добавлен: 02 март 2020 23:36
    wewe ewew ewewe wew eweewewwewewewewewewew
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