Test Drive Unlimited - Gold (2008) PC | RePack от R.G. Механики

Test Drive Unlimited - Gold (2008) PC | RePack от R.G. Механики
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It's time to return to the sunny tropical island, where even the palm trees know what real speed is. With the first rays of light, following the gusts of the sea wind, those who most value freedom - the racers - come to the road. A symphony of roaring motors drowns out the surf, sparkling cars go to the start, and car duel masters begin their game. And there, behind the finish line, there are no winners and losers. There are only those who do not understand life without competition ...

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Мнения (16)
  1. Lucas Manuel
    Lucas Manuel Добавлен: 04 ноябрь 2023 19:29
    sam silva,
  2. HOW
    HOW Добавлен: 27 октябрь 2023 10:12
    WHERE THE HELL IS THE "Setup.exe"??????????????????
  3. Rice Purity Test
    Rice Purity Test Добавлен: 21 сентябрь 2023 14:38
    Step into the world of the Rice Purity Test through RicePurityTestBox.com. Explore this platform for insights, engagement, and fun surrounding this unique self-assessment. Discover the test's history, significance, and take it yourself – whether you're curious about its origins or eager to gauge your experiences, this website is your go-to resource for all things Rice Purity Test.
  4. Shang Froster
    Shang Froster Добавлен: 31 май 2023 09:59
    The test consists of a series of questions that cover a wide range of topics, including relationships, substance use, sexual activities, academic integrity, and personal behavior. Each question requires a simple "yes" or "no" response based on the test-taker's personal experiences. What is your rice purity socre.
  5. erikamills
    erikamills Добавлен: 17 апрель 2023 04:18
    Flappy Bird is an arcade game in which you control an adorable bird that has to fly through a lot of obstacles made up of pipes, but it's not simple at all. Play to test your dexterity.
  6. Pendidikan
    Pendidikan Добавлен: 01 март 2023 14:10
    Rice Purity Test is the survey of 100 questions related to your life that decide your personality related to educations, social life and your innocence.
  7. Pendidikan
    Pendidikan Добавлен: 01 март 2023 14:09
    RPE Calculator can calculate your e1rm, generate an RPE chart, or figure out your backoff sets based on percentage of e1rm or RPE.
  8. Emma
    Emma Добавлен: 20 февраль 2023 07:20
    I hope this game can be translated into all languages so that all the players in the world can easily play this game. tetris unblocked fall guys
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  10. Deanna Pope
    Deanna Pope Добавлен: 27 октябрь 2022 07:01
    Interesting and interesting information can be found on this topic here profile worth to see it. broken bow party strippers
  11. lani kane
    lani kane Добавлен: 05 август 2022 06:55
    Sorry about this experience. I downloaded it but it crashes on startup, I tried Moviedle and it's very good and interesting. Hopefully you will be able to fix that soon.
  12. anonymous
    anonymous Добавлен: 05 июль 2022 15:27
    oops i was supposed to comment that in tdu2 not tdu
  13. anonymous
    anonymous Добавлен: 05 июль 2022 15:24
    Hello, fellow people who download this repack. I understand that bunch of you don't have the budget to pay for this game and so do i. This repack contains a malware (i'm quite sure) and i am not only saying that Microsoft Defender detected it but i did some research that the rld.dll that you're required to paste in the game directory contains a HackTool/Win32/AutoKMS.exe which can be used to hack Microsoft products and i knew it was the malware that was causing so many log-in request from my Outlook Account which is my Microsoft account because i did a research that the HackTool can contain malware and some hackers can gain access to your computer or any of your accounts that was log-in to your computer. I don't recommend downloading this repack if you have some important files or any accounts from your computer. The game works perfectly in my computer but it's risky. I knew it was suspicious because if the Microsoft Defender detected rld.dll and without it, the game doesn't work.
  14. Julien
    Julien Добавлен: 05 ноябрь 2020 14:57
    same to me.
    Any advice ?
  15. sam silva
    sam silva Добавлен: 31 май 2020 21:08
    boa tarde
  16. 9ri9iba
    9ri9iba Добавлен: 23 январь 2020 21:32
    After i install it it crash in startup without any error msg
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