Terminator Salvation The Video Game (2009) PC | RePack by R.G. Mechanics

Terminator Salvation The Video Game (2009) PC | RePack by R.G. Mechanics
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Los Angeles lies in ruins. Desperate attempts to change the past in order to prevent a terrible future have failed. The army of soulless and merciless machines, subordinate to the artificial intelligence of Skynet (Skynet), began a full-scale extermination of mankind. However, not all is lost. People have a chance to prove that they are stronger than metal monsters and stand up in unequal struggle with robots.

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Мнения (6)
  1. cococ
    cococ Добавлен: 07 июнь 2023 12:46
    La montre est un accessoire important dans la vie de tous les jours. Il n’est pas surprenant que la plupart des gens recherchent des montres qui sont ? la fois pratiques et ?l?gantes. Les montre replique sont l’option parfaite pour ces personnes. Montre replique sont des r?pliques exactes des montres classiques et sont faites avec des mat?riaux de haute qualit?. Elles sont ?galement tr?s abordables et offrent une grande vari?t? de styles.
    replique Tag Heuer
    replique omega
    replique Hublot
    replique montre suisse
  2. Albert Monkey
    Albert Monkey Добавлен: 13 февраль 2022 18:17
    It was not really a bad game, the environments and the characters could use a bit of refinament in details, but the game is not bad, it looks cool .
    A remastered with more refine graphics would make it nicer, the game is not bad.
  3. Joel
    Joel Добавлен: 20 сентябрь 2020 15:07

    open the file "content.xml" in the game's root folder with notepad or notpad ++

    and change
    language = "russian"
    language = "english"
  4. musa
    musa Добавлен: 23 июнь 2020 14:37
    bcoz the repacks are both in englisgh and russian? but i am unable to change my ingame language
  5. musa
    musa Добавлен: 23 июнь 2020 14:35
    how to change russian language to english???
  6. gabriel
    gabriel Добавлен: 02 июнь 2020 04:27
    eu quero baixar
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