Battlefield 1 / Баттлфилд (2016)

Battlefield 1 / Баттлфилд (2016)
28/13 Плюс
Battlefield 1 - the new part in the new setting. Become a witness of the emergence of modern methods of warfare in the atmosphere of the First World War, where a raging armament race was raging, in which new machines and weapons were created in order to achieve the advantage in this most technologically diverse war of all time.

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Мнения (6)
  1. georgedonets
    georgedonets Добавлен: 20 февраль 2024 22:31
    Olduqca nadir. ?g?r qeydiyyatdan ke??rk?n he? bir ?man?tiniz olmayaca??n? ?mid edirsinizs?, ??bh?siz ki, m?rcl?r olacaq. M?rc t?l?b olunmad??? halda, siz? ba?qa t?l?bl?r t?qdim olunacaq, ??nki ?ks halda kazino iflas ed?c?k.
  2. huchihad.k
    huchihad.k Добавлен: 14 сентябрь 2020 05:29
    I'm stuck and i can't left click with my mouse. Any fix for it?
    + Can i launch this battlefield 1 trought Origin? So i can play Multiplayer with it
  3. a
    a Добавлен: 29 август 2020 22:25
    how to play in online servers or just multiplayer
  4. Saurabh Sunil Singh
    Saurabh Sunil Singh Добавлен: 28 июнь 2020 20:55
    there is no sound in the game and the opening cut scene plays like it has been put on fast forward mode. any fix?
  5. adel
    adel Добавлен: 29 март 2020 06:47
    I like this
  6. yasoob
    yasoob Добавлен: 23 ноябрь 2019 20:34
    Best Website For Free Games
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