Medal of Honor - Anthology (2011) PC | RePack by R.G. Mechanics

Medal of Honor - Anthology (2011) PC | RePack by R.G. Mechanics
60/40 Плюс
Half-ruined buildings, bullets, watering everything around like a summer shower, wounded soldiers praying for help, howling bombers, grenade explosions, the rumble of guns and the rumbling of machine-gun fire - in this incredibly atmospheric game you immerse yourself in the extremely realistic world of World War II. Named by dozens of gaming publications "The best action movie of 2002", Allied Assault gives you the opportunity to see the Second World Eye the Allied Assault Lieutenant who, by the will of fate, took part in the most important battles of this war.

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Мнения (5)
  1. Dennis Flynn
    Dennis Flynn Добавлен: 04 сентябрь 2023 18:13
    Self-worth fuels motivation and ambition. When you believe you are capable and deserving, you are more likely to pursue your goals with determination. You can grab leading to personal and professional success
  2. Vladosi
    Vladosi Добавлен: 02 декабрь 2022 07:54
    sourav samanta,
    Hi! Help still needed?
  3. FionaJane
    FionaJane Добавлен: 27 сентябрь 2022 10:33
    More than once, short and long tears. Many times burst into tears in the middle of a crowd. No one can hear me every beat of my heart. I hid my passion in the middle of a long life, so I chose to play tiny fishing to hide my negative feelings
  4. sourav samanta
    sourav samanta Добавлен: 02 февраль 2021 22:54
    after install Medal of Honor - Pacific Assault when run game
    a error occurred the program can't start because mohpa_hag.dll missing
    from your computer. try reinstalling program to fix this problem.
    please help me....
  5. Wiz
    Wiz Добавлен: 06 сентябрь 2020 23:04
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